Water Source Problems in Kulon Progo Yogyakarta in The Law Perspective

Kristanto PH, Yanti Fristikawati, Nugroho Adipradana


Water is one of the important needs of society for everyday life, especially the need for clean water. To meet these needs, the community can get water from rivers, rainwater, and groundwater sources. Kulon Progo is one of the areas that are part of the Yogyakarta Province, where in Kulon Progo there are many water sources. However, based on research conducted, the water in Kulon Progo cannot be used as drinking water because it has been contaminated. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a study, especially in terms of existing regulations, both national and regional regulations, whether these regulations can protect water sources so that they can protect the environment, including water sources. Indonesia already has rules regarding environmental protection and management, namely Law Number 32 of 2009, and regulations regarding Water Resources, namely Law Number 17 of 2019. From these regulations, it can be said that they have been able to protect water sources so that they are not polluted, but awareness and the need for community participation are not carried out activities that can cause water pollution.

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Law Number 32/ 2009 on Environmental Protection and Management

Law Number 17/2019 on Water Sources

Law Number 6/2023 on Job Creation

Regulation of Regent of Kulon Progo No. 52 of 2023 concerning Regional Policies and Strategies for the Implementation of the Kulon Progo Regency

Regulation of the Regent of Kulon Progo No. 142 of 2021 concerning the Regional Drinking Water Supply System Master Plan

DOI: https://doi.org/10.46336/ijbesd.v4i3.484


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