Calculation of Rice Farming Insurance Premium Price in Magelang City Based on Rainfall Index with Black-Scholes Method
Indonesia is a country with two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. Unstable rainfall can affect rice production and may cause crop failure. The amount of rice production in Indonesia, one of which is in Magelang City, is quite large, so the losses that may be experienced are quite significant. Therefore, a way to reduce the impact of losses experienced by farmers is needed, one of which is through the rice farming insurance program. The purpose of this study is to determine the premium price of rice farming insurance based on rainfall index based on the exit value and trigger value in each growing season. Insurance using the rainfall index can provide protection to farmers due to too little rainfall or too much rainfall. Too much rainfall can cause damage to rice plants resulting in crop failure. The premium calculation method uses the Black-Scholes principle, while the exit value and trigger value are determined by the Historical Burn Analysis method. The result of this study is to obtain various trigger values and exit values as well as premiums that must be paid by farmers in each normal, high, and low (dry) rainfall condition. This value determines the premium price obtained for normal rainfall which is IDR 735,739.66 to IDR 871,698.64, for high rainfall the premium price obtained is IDR 1,404,184.75 to IDR 1,643,307.75, and for low rainfall (dry season) it is IDR 5,541,806.10 to IDR 6,689,629.88.
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