Design of Corporate Performance Assessment Model using the Total Performance Scorecard at PT. Sawitto Indah Berkah

Hari Imbrani, Ida Rapida


PT. Sawito Indah Berkah is a medium scale company engaged in the LPG Non-Public Service Obligation (NPSO). The company has not applied standard standards in performance assessment. This study aims to determine the performance appraisal model currently used and to design a performance appraisal model using the Total Performance Scorecard. This study uses a survey method with a qualitative approach and the type of research is descriptive modeling. The data collection technique used triangulation. The results showed that the company only applies a financial perspective in measuring performance. This research can provide useful information about the importance of designing corporate performance appraisals. Also, it is expected to be able to assist the company in evaluating its financial function, marketing function, operational function, and human resource function properly.


Performance, Balance scorecard, Total Performance Scorecard

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