Determination of Optimal Stock Portfolio Return by Single Index Model (Case Study on Banking Sector Stocks in Indonesia)

Septi Rahmawati, Dwi Susanti, Riaman Riaman


The optimal portfolio is a portfolio chosen by investors from the many options available in the collection of efficient portfolios. To get the optimal proportion, which is the maximum return and minimum risk, it is necessary to analyze the stocks to be selected in the investment model. The research objective is to determine the optimal return, risk, and proportion for each banking stock portfolio in Indonesia in the period February - July 2023. The method used is the Single Index Model. The process of determining the optimal proportion of stocks with the Single Index Model requires stock and market return data as the main basis for applying this method. This study involves the formation of an optimal portfolio of daily closing prices of 46 banking stocks.  As a result of this research, there are 5 optimal stocks that meet the criteria for optimal portfolio formation with each fund proportion of 21.43% (BNII), 13.52% (BDMN), 35.02% (BBRI), 23.69% (BTPN), and 6.34% (BBCA).  Expected return from optimal stocks is 0.152% and the risk that will be borne by investors is 0.0011% per day.


Optimal Portfolio; Single Index Model; Banking Stocks.

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