Data Mining Implementation Using Naïve Bayes Algorithm and Decision Tree J48 In Determining Concentration Selection
Computerization of society has substantially improved the ability to generate and collect data from a variety of sources. A large amount of data has flooded almost every aspect of people's lives. AMIK HASS Bandung has an Informatic Management Study Program consisting of three areas of concentration that can be selected by students in the fourth semester including Computerized Accounting, Computer Administration, and Multimedia. The determination of concentration selection should be precise based on past data, so the academic section must have a pattern or rule to predict concentration selection. In this work, the data mining techniques were using Naive Bayes and Decision Tree J48 using WEKA tools. The data set used in this study was 111 with a split test percentage mode of 75% used as training data as the model formation and 25% as test data to be tested against both models that had been established. The highest accuracy result obtained on Naive Bayes which is obtaining a 71.4% score consisting of 20 instances that were properly clarified from 28 training data. While Decision Tree J48 has a lower accuracy of 64.3% consisting of 18 instances that are properly clarified from 28 training data. In Decision Tree J48 there are 4 patterns or rules formed to determine concentration selection so that the academic section can assist students in determining concentration selection.
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