Actuarial Pension Fund Using the Projected Unit Credit (PUC) Method: Case Study at PT Taspen Cirebon Branch Office

Hana Safrina Amalia, Betty Subartini, Sukono Sukono


The pension fund program is a program held by the government to ensure the welfare of Civil Servants (PNS) in retirement as old-age security. The pension program for civil servants is managed by a pension fund, PT Taspen (Persero). Actuarial calculations of pension funds need to be carried out to determine the amount of normal contributions and actuarial liabilities that must be paid by pension plan participants and companies. The actuarial calculation of pension funds used by PT Taspen in managing civil servant pension funds is the Accrued Benefit Cost which determines in advance the benefits that will be obtained by participants. The Projected Unit Credit (PUC) method is one part of the Accrued Benefit Cost. This study aims to determine normal contributions and actuarial liabilities using the Projected Unit Credit (PUC) method for civil servant pension program participants of PT Taspen (Persero) Cirebon Branch Office. The calculation results show that the PUC method provides a more accurate calculation of the estimated normal contributions and actuarial liabilities of the company. This study is expected to be a reference for other companies in managing employee pension funds using an actuarial approach.


pension funding, Projected Unit Credit (PUC), normal cost, actuarial liability

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