Application of the Leslie Matrix to Predict the Number and Growth Rate of Women in West Java 2021
Data from the Central Statistics Agency 2019 collected that the total population of women in Indonesia is less than male, which is 131.48 million people if compared to the total male population, which is 132.68 million population. This matter is directly relation to the total female population in West Java which is also less than the male population around 24031252.0 female and 24652609.0 male population(Badan Pusat Statistika, 2019).This should be the focus of the government to balance the population growth of women and men in West Java because of the role of women being central in the population growth of the people of West Java. The targets of the development plan contained in the RPJM 2005-2025 is to improve the quality of human resources, including the role of women in development. The growth of the female population is an important thing that must be observed, considering the role of women is determining the development of the human population in the future, because without the role of women the population will not be able to develop. This encourages researchers to predict the number and rate of female population growth in West Java in 2021. The Leslie matrix is a matrix used to predict the number and growth rate of a population. By applying the Leslie matrix to predict the number and growth rate of women in West Java in 2021, it can be concluded that the number of female populations in West Java is around tends to increase.
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