International Journal of Research in Community Service (IJRCS) is published by the Research Collaborations Community (RCC). This journal is published with the aim of publishing research results from Community Service activities related to the development and application of Science and Technology, which includes concepts, models and implementation as an effort to increase community participation in development. Research in Community Service is carried out before and after its implementation, in order to obtain effective and efficient of Community Service results. IJRCS is published 4 (four) times a year (January, April, July and October).
IJRCS accreditation status is SINTA 4.
Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 1 Number 3 Year 2020 until Volume 6 Number 2 Year 2025.
Decree Number: 79/E/KPT/2023
Decree Title: Ranking of Accreditation for Scientific Journal Period I Year 2023
Decree Date: May 11, 2023

Vol 6, No 1 (2025)
Table of Contents
Astrid Sulistya Azahra, Rizki Apriva, Renda Sandi
Ratih Pramitasari, Izzatul Alifah Sifai, Aprianti Aprianti, Chalobon Treesak
Rendi Kusuma Natita, Eka Septiarini, Riono Aulia Abdullah
Tiyan Rahmanul Hakim, Dede Sri Kartini, Saifullah Zakaria
Aisyah Aisyah, Ine Maulina, Yuniar Mulyani
Rika Amelia, Rizki Apriva Hidayana, Abdul Gazir Syarifudin, Tubagus Robbi Megantara, Nenden Siti Nur Kholipah, Nadine Zahra Chairunnisa, Angellyca Leoni Manuela
Moch Panji Agung Saputra, Renda Sandi Saputra, Grida Saktian Laksito
Hany Nanda Julia