Implementation of the First In First Out (FIFO) Algorithm in the Sandal and Shoe Product Inventory (Stock) Application
This study addresses the optimization of inventory management for sandal and shoe products, at CV Diva Karya Mandiri Warehouse, which covers of five key features: a dashboard, master data management, transaction data, reporting, and user management. The First In First Out (FIFO) algorithm is specifically applied to the transaction feature, ensuring timely disbursement in line with the order of receipt. It is implemented using Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology, which consists of Planning Requirements, User Design, Construction, and Cutover phases. The developed inventory application offers two access levels: administrators with comprehensive access and warehouse managers with limited access for viewing, searching, and filtering item data. This study successfully implementing the FIFO algorithm, with 95% Blackbox testing result achieved through boundary value analysis approach.Top of Form
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