Analysis The Effect Of Volatility On Potential Losses Mutual Fund Investments Using The ES-GARCH Method

Abram Chandra Aji Pamungkas, Betty Subartini, Dwi Susanti


Investing in mutual funds has become a popular choice for investor who looking to participate in the capital markets with more diversified risk. However, the success of mutual fund investments depends on investors understanding the potential losses and opportunities that may arise during the investment period. Analyzing the risk of mutual fund investments is fundamental in helping investors comprehend potential losses. Therefore, research is conducted to understand potential losses by estimating asset price volatility and determining the maximum possible losses. The Expected Shortfall (ES) method proves useful in measuring downside risk and extreme loss potential in investments, but it is less effective in addressing nonlinear trends and the complexity of volatility patterns. Hence, a combination of the Expected Shortfall (ES) and Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) methods is employed to measure the risk of mutual fund investments. The research findings indicate that volatility has a positive impact on Value at Risk (VaR), and the potential maximum losses (ES) increase with higher volatility, indicating a greater risk.


Investment; Mutual Funds; Risk Analysis; ES-GARCH

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