International Journal of Quantitative Research and Modeling

IJQRM is an official journal of the Research Collaboration Community (RCC) and publishes original research papers which cover the theory, practice, history or methodology of Quatitative Research and Modeling (QRM). IJQRM will act as a platform to encourage further research in Quantitative Research (QR) and Mathematical Modeling (MM) theory and applications. Globalization of market and operations places a tremendous pressure in making timely and accurate decisions using the analysis of data and more accurate information.
The Research Collaboration Community (RCC) was established for an indefinite period of time and was started on 25-05-2019. Recognizing that Quantitative Research (QR) and Mathematical Modeling (MM)are not only an independent science but also a major supporter of various sciences, Research Collaboration Community (RCC) specialists and users and enthusiasts of Quatitative Research (QR) and Mathematical Moodeling (MM) are obliged to: Foster and develop quantitative research; Fostering and developing quatitative research education; & Increasing the role of quantitatively research both directly and as a support of other sciences in order to participate in increasing human resources for the success of nation and state development based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
In support of the above mentioned purpose RCC in 2020 began publishing the International Journal of Quantitative Research and Moadeling (IJQRM), as a periodic media and other means of communication to channel works and news in the field of operations research as information and knowledge for members and the general public.


ISSN 2722-5046

eISSN 2721-477X

DOI 10.46336/ijqrm

Published By:

Research Collaboration Community (RCC)

Jalan Riung Ampuh No. 3, Riung Bandung, Kota Bandung 40295, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

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Vol 5, No 4 (2024)

Table of Contents


Rifki Saefullah, Riza Andrian Ibrahim
Setyo Luthfi Okta Yohandoko, Almira Ajeng Pangestika, Yasir Salih
Elza Rahma Dihna, Muhammad Iqbal Al-Banna Ismail
Nestia Lianingsih, Rizki Apriva Hidayana, Moch Panji Agung Saputra
Indah Dewi Maelowati, Chibi Adinda Mayaningtyas
Khalifa Adli Djonaputra, Rana Syifa Nadira
Ahmad Dailami, Mochamad Kardofa Erifianto
Roy Donald Pangeran Siahaan, Muhammad Rifan Marsa Rizqullah
Resma Damayanti, Aulya Putri
Syanna Nabila Azzahra, Fani Almira Widiana, Fathimah Azzahra
Komang Janardana, Daffa Ibrahim Wiriandi
Amirah Nur Sabrina, Hella Rizwa Nabila
Mutiara Silvia Putri, Fiona Trianandra
Muhammad Rizky Darmawan, Fathi Atha Putra Widyono
Alim Jaizul Wahid, Salwa Cendikia Millantika, Asep Kuswandi Supriatna