Comparative Analysis of K-Means and K-Medoids Clustering in Retail Store Product Grouping

Sekar Ghaida Muthmainah, Asep Id Hadiana, Melina Melina


The retail business is growing very rapidly with increasing business competition. The application of information technology is one strategy for understanding consumer product purchasing patterns and grouping sales products. This research aims to analyze and compare the K-Means and K-Medoids Clustering techniques for retail data based on the Davies Bouldin Index value and computing time. K-Means is an algorithm that divides data into k clusters based on centroids, while K-Medoids Clustering uses objects with medoids representing clusters as centroid centers. Clustering in both methods produces an optimal number of clusters of 3 clusters. The results of this research show that K-Means produced 358 data in Cluster 1, 292 data in Cluster 2, and 367 data in Cluster 3 with a DBI of 0.7160. Meanwhile, K-Medoids produced 295 data in Cluster 1, 360 data in Cluster 2, and 362 data in Cluster 3 with a DBI of 0.7153. In addition, this study calculated the average computation from 5 experiments, namely K-Means with an average time of 0.024278/s and K-Medoids of 0.05719/s. Based on the lower DBI, K-Medoids have better results in clustering, but the K-Means method is better in terms of computational efficiency. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide valuable insights for retail business people in analyzing sales data.

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